This beautiful rural landscape garden is situated in a stunning location within the Otway ranges. Due to the high rainfall, and slope of the site, water was an issue. A paved driveway channels the water into a natural water feature has been installed, which runs under the house walkway. Quality pool paving and decking, and a large amount of natural stone walling has been landscaped at this property. Large stones have been located as stone features throughout to make a stunning and first class landscape.
This premium water feature in this rural landscape garden won Feature in Landscape at the Victorian Landscape Awards 2014.
Judges’ comments are as follows:
“This installation has successfully provided a link across the Landscape via a well thought through design approach that addresses both functional and aesthetic challenges. The result is a feature in the landscape that can be enjoyed from different vantage points within the home.”
– Landscape Victoria Judge, Grant Saltmarsh– Landscape Victoria Awards
Design by Ocean Road Landscaping and Facet Design
Rural landscape garden
Our team of 15 Landscape Architects, Landscape professionals and Horticulturists, can assist you when it comes to rural landscape gardens to deliver a premium product.
If you would like a rural landscape garden designed or need a landscape contractor to implement your rural garden then contact our office on 03 5263 3133 or use our Contact Us page