Geelong Business Excellence Awards

Last Thursday 17 July 2014 at the Geelong Business Excellence Awards, Ocean Road Landscaping was announced a winner at the annual awards.

We are thrilled with our win, and would like to thank all involved for their support.  A special thanks to all our customers and our team for your positive feedback and continued support of our small business.  The award was for the category -Human Resources.

Team photo at the Business Awards dinner

Winner of the Human Resources Award

Our culture is service based, creating the end product through a process that emphasis’s interaction, communication and quality delivery though a partnership between ORL and the client.  This is integral to the structure of the business;

  • empowerment of staff
  • professional appearance and conduct on site
  • encouragement of initiative from employees
  • training and development
  • incentives and communication
  • team culture is about everyone being equally respected, and valued to contribute in a meaningful way

If you would like to be apart of our team, check out our Employment page to see what jobs are currently offering.